WMS can be realized in warehouse and distribution warehouses, one of the key stages of the supply chain efficient management of all operations.
With the flexible structure of the software, all operations are offered in the company-specific structure. In addition to workforce efficiency, shipping integration systems (RF-ID and Bar coding systems) It provides high efficiency with latest technology.
Industry used in MES 4.0. Monitoring, evaluation, reporting with new technologies, getting information, Control in real time. IT decision support systems with MES, quality and maintenance activities Managable.
WMS has a mechanism for instantly monitoring and reporting all actual operations. In addition, inventory, equipment, Time processes with special decision making algorithms of labor resources and logistics processes.
Like all warehouse management operations, reports can be accessed in real time, which can be integrated into information technologies and automation systems (Such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)) systems.
Control and coordination of all operations involving warehouses with WMS providing efficient and efficient processes such as stock cycle times and performance on the online system.